Fine Gael Kildare South TD Martin Heydon has today (Thursday) said that he looks forward to seeing the gates of the former Magee Barracks restored and put on public display as has been confirmed to him by Minister for Defence Paul Keogh.
“Since the Sale of Magee Barracks was first muted I have had calls from constituents who wanted the gates to be removed from the sale, saved and preserved. At a meeting in October 2015 with former Defence Minister Simon Coveney the historical significance of the gates were outlined and the Minister agreed to save them based on the local interest.
“I am pleased that current Defence Minister Paul Keogh has now confirmed to me that restoration work on the gates is due to commence in Q1 of 2017. Following this work, the gates will be available for public viewing at the Military Museum in the Curragh Camp which will allow them to be viewed and their history understood by a wider audience.
* To ask the Taoiseach and Minister for Defence the location of the gates of the former Magee Barracks which were removed prior to its sale for safekeeping; his plans for their future restoration and storage; his further plans to have them on public display; and if he will make a statement on the matter.
– Martin Heydon.
* For WRITTEN answer on Tuesday, 7th February, 2017.
Minister of State at the Department of Defence (Deputy Paul Kehoe):
The gates are currently stored in the Defence Forces Vehicle Base W ork Shops in the Curragh Camp awaiting refurbishment. It is expected that these works will commence in Q1 of 2017.
The gates will be available for public viewing at the Military Museum in the Curragh Camp following restoration.