Fine Gael Kildare South TD and Minister Martin Heydon welcomes the most recent update from the HSE in relation to the Day Procedure/Endoscopy, Oncology and Physical Therapy Unit as Naas General Hospital.
Minister Heydon says “This is a project I have pursued for many years, having brought previous Ministers for Health to visit our County hospital. The recent announcement that the tender process had commenced is to be welcomed, and I’m determined that no time is lost now to bring the project through to completion. In my most recent engagement with the HSE, I pushed for the swift commencement and delivery of this project given that we are in the midst of a pandemic and offered my support throughout the process.”
“The HSE have confirmed that funding has been provided to progress the new Day Procedures/Endoscopy, Oncology and Physical Therapy Unit at Naas General Hospital and that capital funding has been made available to appoint technical consultants to progress the project. The tender is now underway for a full design team of 6 technical consultants to take the project from Stage (ii)A to project completion and they expect to award a contract within the next 7 months.
The delivery of capital projects is a dynamic process and is subject to a number of key considerations, including service prioritisation, clarification of scope, determination of affordability, as well as the successful completion of the various capital project approval stages, which can impact on the timeline for delivery.”
“Naas Hospital and the staff at Naas Hospital have experienced significant increases in demand for their services and have always risen to the challenge despite the additional pressure it may bring to an already busy hospital. I will continue to work with the HSE to ensure a quick delivery of this new endoscopy unit and day ward as well as a replacement for the Lakeview Mental Health Unit at Naas Hospital” concluded Minister Heydon.