Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon, has welcomed the approval of funding by Environment Minister Phil Hogan to allow Kildare County Council to accept the tender of just over €6 million for the construction of the watermains from the treatment plant at Srowland to Ardscull, Athy.
Deputy Heydon explained “The River Barrow Abstraction Scheme involves the construction of a new water treatment plant at Srowland near Athy (currently under construction) and pipeline contracts to connect the water treatment plant to two service reservoirs at Ardscull and Old Kilcullen.”
“When completed, this scheme will reduce future demand pressures on the Liffey System serving the Greater Dublin Area and will ensure that the consumers in South West Kildare will have a secure and good quality water supply for many years to come.”
This major scheme represents continuing capital investment under the Department of the Environment’s Water Services Investment Programme to improve water services infrastructure in County Kildare. This investment also reflects the Government’s commitment to ensure our public water supplies deliver a reliable service that is fully compliant with drinking water standards.
“Kildare County Council can now complete the contract formalities with the successful contractor so that construction work on the water mains can commence as soon as possible” concluded Heydon.