Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon, has today (Thursday) asked Minister for Health Dr James Reilly to consider the unused site at Magee Barracks as a potential location for the new childrens hospital if greenfield sites are being considered.
“The refusal of planning by An Bord Pleanala for the chosen Mater Hospital site today, throws the whole question of the location of the children’s hospital wide open again. Experts in the medical field will decide if a site co-located with a main hospital is absolutely necessary. If greenfield sites come back on the agenda, I am calling on Minister Reilly to look at the Magee Barracks site in Kildare town as a possible location” Heydon stated.
“The Magee site is owned by the state and is currently standing idle. It is a prime site with a central location and close proximity to the modern motorway network. It would provide strong access facilities for travellers from all over the Country” Heydon continued.
“I have written to Minister Reilly to highlight to him the benefits of the site and I will continue to follow up with him and other Ministers to place the future use of the Magee Barracks site on top of the political agenda in Kildare.
“Since my election last year, I have worked closely with Kildare Chamber of Commerce, Enterprise Ireland and the IDA to highlight the potential uses of the site and seek opportunities for its future use. At a meeting with Minister Shatter late last year, he committed to continue Government’s efforts to find a suitable use for the site and I will use all opportunities to highlight its strengths where I can” concluded Heydon.