Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon has today (Friday) welcomed the announcement that the extensions for Kilcullen National School and Rathangan Boys National School have been included on the 2014 school building programme. The list of projects was published by Minister for Education Ruairi Quinn today.
“I am delighted that both of these much needed primary school extensions will commence construction in 2014. The schools were aware that their projects were on the 5 year building programme but the announcement today confirms that construction on both projects will now commence in 2014.”
These two local projects are included on a list of 70 projects to go to construction in 2014. These 70 school projects will deliver over 27,500 permanent school places, of which over 21,000 are additional places. The remainder will be the replacement of temporary or unsatisfactory accommodation.
“These local construction projects will be a significant boost for both direct and indirect jobs in both areas for 2014 and emphasises this Government’s commitment to stimulus projects which can provide many knock on benefits for the communities where building will take place.”