Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon, has today (Wednesday) urged Kildare County Council to apply for funding for small local roads under a new scheme confirmed by Minister for Transport Tourism and Sport Leo Varadkar today.  The Community Involvement Scheme (CIS) was first run as a pilot scheme in 2013 and the Minister confirmed in the Dail this morning that an additional €4.5m is being allocated to the scheme for 2014.

Speaking on the debate in the Dail this morning Deputy Heydon highlighted that only two projects were applied for under the scheme by Kildare County Counil in 2013 and these were both funded at a cost of €40,000.

“There were huge benefits gained from the two projects that were applied for under the pilot scheme last year and I believe Kildare County Council could see an increase in funding by applying for more projects under the newly confirmed scheme for this year.

“Under the 2013 scheme a total of 299 schemes were completed nationwide resulting in over 174kms of improved roads.  These projects valued at over €9m were undertaken at a cost to the state of €6.64m whne local voluntary contributions were taken into account.  This is seen as a good use of public funds and so following a review, the pilot scheme is being rolled out for another year.

“I have written to Kildare County Council urging them to avail of this opportunity for increased funding by submitting more applications this year.  I have also highlighted a number of projects that I am aware of to Council officials that can be included in the schemes.  This is an opportunity for Kildare to get extra funding for our roads and we must not let it pass us by.