Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon, has today (Friday) welcomed the Government announcement that a number of areas in Kildare South are set to benefit from plans to greatly increase access to high speed broadband in rural Ireland.
“The lack of adequate Broadband services in rural areas is a huge issue in many parts of Kildare that is constantly being raised with me. I am in the process of conducting a survey to help to highlight the areas of deficiencies that exist. I firmly believe that the only way many of these areas can be accessed with sufficient services will be for the state to invest in fibre services which I have been pushing for. I am delighted that after much lobbying Minister Rabbitte has confirmed that this investment will happen.
“The Government has committed to a major telecommunications netowrk buildout rollout to rural Ireland, with fibre as a cornerstone of its investment under the National Broadband Plan. Over 1,000 rural communities nationwide have been identified as target areas for the proposed fibre based connections.
“I am delighted that 18 locations in Kildare are included in the list of over 1,000 rural communities published today. This is good news but there is still a long way to go. Detailed planning work is continuing in order to deliver this project and a comprehensive implementation strategy will be published later this year.
“This is a highly ambitious project, which will address the areas of the country which cannot access commercial high speed broadband.
“The list published today is not exhaustive and further locations may be identified as the mapping process continues. I will continue to work on my survey to ensure that all areas of Kildare South that require improved broadband services get them. The survey can be accessed at or by calling my office on 045-487 624.