Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon, has today (Wednesday), warmly welcomed the decision by the primary staffing appeals board at their October meeting to uphold an appeal by Scoil Naomh Lorcain NS, Levitstown, Mageney to allow the school to retain its third teacher.

“I am delighted that after many appeals, representations and discussions that the Department of Education have recognised the necessity of a third teacher for Levitstown NS for this year. The enrolment numbers for the coming years support a three teacher school and the prospect of having to work with just two for the remainder of this year was unthinkable.

“School Principal Sandra Corrigan along with the Board of Management and Parents Association have worked tirelessly all summer to ensure that enrolment numbers held up to allow this appeal to be lodged and fought. This decision is a fitting tribute to them and their efforts on behalf of all the children and parents at the school.

“I have been really impressed with all aspects of this progressive well run school. It has a bright future and is a great amenity for the families of the area.