Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon has today (Friday) criticised the NRA for the timing of maintenance works being carried out on the M9. He was speaking as delays continued on the M9 northbound beyond Kilcullen due to maintenance works on trees and bushes on the motorway verge.
“I received an update from the NRA today through Minister Pascal Donohoe’s office which advised that all southbound works are now complete and the northbound edge works should be completed today. There are 2 days of works to be completed in the median northbound next Monday and Tuesday when all works will then be completed. The NRA advised that the works are necessary to remove trees for safety.
“It is ridiculous that such works have been taking place at peak commuter times on such a busy road. While I accept that these maintenance works are important for ongoing safety on the route, surely the timing of the works can be scheduled to avoid peak commuter times?
“I have written to the NRA to urge them to review the planning of such works in the future to ensure that they are scheduled at times that bring minimum disruption to traffic. I understand there was an accident last night and it is lucky there were not more. I have also highlighted my concerns and frustrations to Minister for Transport Pascal Donohoe to try and ensure this does not happen again.