“Fine Gael Kildare South TD, Martin Heydon, has said that recent Enterprise Ireland employment figures show that Kildare is getting back on its feet with thousands of extra jobs created last year.
“Kildare saw 1,631 new Enterprise Ireland jobs created during the first three years of this Government’s term in office. There are now 30% more people in Enterprise Ireland supported employment in Kildare than there were in 2010.
“These are not just meaningless statistics. It is people coming off the Live Register, or coming home from abroad where they have spent the years of the economic crash. It is about reuniting families and giving people the dignity and independence that work affords them.
“Crucially this is also about reinvigorating communities. The knock on effect of these jobs is really positive for small indigenous local businesses. For every Enterprise Ireland job created, one extra job is supported elsewhere in the economy. So in the case of Kildare, 1,631 direct jobs actually means 3,262 jobs when you include the indirect employment created.
“This week will see the pay day of the New Year for many and, thanks to the sacrifices of the Irish people, the Government is putting money back in pay packets for the first time in seven years. This month’s pay packet will see all workers a little better off, with USC reductions for low and middle income earners and a 1% income tax cut on earnings between €32,800 and €70,000. It means that all households with somebody in full time work will be better off. This is only a first step in making our tax system fairer and better for job creation. Fine Gael in government wants to deliver a similar package of tax cuts in 2016 and for the following year if re-elected to government.
“There is a perception out there that the economic recovery is happening only in Dublin but this is clearly not the case. 70% of the extra Enterprise Ireland jobs created in 2014 were actually outside of Dublin.”