Local Fine Gael TD Martin Heydon has advised us that there was much reflection in the community over Christmas on memories of the Parish Hall in Crookstown as it was removed to make progress for the new school. “As part of ongoing construction work and development towards the new primary school at Crookstown, the old Community Hall the “Little Theatre” was demolished in recent weeks. The new school will be a great asset for the community, but like all positive developments, it comes with changes and required the removal of the historic Parochial Hall.
This led many in the Community to reflect on their memories and experiences from events in the Hall down through the years. “The Hall Building was the original church in the area until the current church was built c 1880. It is included on the first edition of ordance survey map of 1837. Crookstown School was then linked to this building in an adjoining structure until the present school was built in the 1960’s. The hall was refurbished in the 1970s and re-named the Little Theatre and used as a community hall. Unfortunately the hall had been deemed unsafe for public use in 2006 so has not been in use in recent years.
“I have many good memories as a pupil in Crookstown School of taking to the stage for school concerts as a young boy. I have also heard the stories from family and neighbours of the many dances, socials, concerts and card games that were held in the Hall down through the years, many as fundraisers for the parish and local community as well as social and community functions. For many years the Hall was the main focal point for the community and it will be fondly remembered for this.
“The new school is a €4m investment in the Community and has been long awaited. It will be a great resource for the pupils of the area for many years to come.