Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon has today (Friday) said that Department of Defence officials have confirmed to him that plans are underway to put the site of the old Magee Barracks on the market in 2015.
“This prominent site, covering a large section of the town from the Melitta road to the Dublin Road in Kildare town is an important one for the town and the upcoming sale could be an opportunity for further industry or development to be brought into the town.
“The site has had a chequered past since the Barracks closed in 1998. The derelict site has been a blight on the town and nearby residents in the intervening years. It’s sale would allow for future business development which is crucial.
“Eight acres of the site were previously sold to the Department of Education and construction is currently underway on a new school campus for the Kildare Town Educate Together and Gaelscoil Mhic Aodha primary schools. The Department of Defence hope to commence the auction process to sell the remaining site by mid-2015.”