Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon, has today (Friday) welcomed confirmation from Garda Management that 5 new Garda recruits have been allocated to the Newbridge area from the second batch of 100 recruits leaving Templemore. This is on top of the 5 new recruits assigned to the Naas area that came from the first batch of Garda recruits in Templemore and two extra Gardaí assigned to Derrinturn which were confirmed a couple of months ago.
“It has also been confirmed to me by Garda management that Robertstown Garda Station will now have additional opening hours. This increased Garda activity is welcomed as the Rorbertstown area covers a significant rural hinterland.
“Co. Kildare has also had a significant improvement in it’s fleet of Garda cars over the last couple of years to help to keep up with the demands that are placed on the services in the county.
“I very much welcome this improvement in our Garda resources which will have a positive impact for all of South Kildare. I have consistently highlighted to the Minister for Justice Frances Fitzgerald and Garda management the challenges we faced from a policing perspective in Co. Kildare and the historically challenging number of Gardaí in the county.
“I am delighted to see that these concerns have been recognised as the Garda recruitment which the Government restarted last year begins to take effect around the country. I am pleased to see the continuation of this Garda Recruitment programme with another 2 batches of 125 Gardai to be recruited this year on top of the 300 recruited last year, the first recruits to Templemore since 2009. The safety and protection of our citizens is a number one priority of this Government and the continued investment in this area is recognition of that priority.