Fine Gael TD for Kildare South Martin Heydon, has described as a vote of confidence the award of funding of €29,000 from Failte Ireland to Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Park. The funding was confirmed this week as part of Failte Irelands “New Ideas in Ancient Spaces” Capital Grant Scheme for attractions within the Ireland’s Ancient East Initiative.
“I am delighted to see a local tourist attraction receive this boost and vote of confidence in their work. This funding is intended to enhance the visitor experience at Lullymore and will help to support innovations such as the development of a multi-lingual audio device along with a costumed guided tour by heritage interpreters.
Funding is also being provided to upgrade the website of this unique attraction which is the only attraction in Ireland offering a comprehensive experience of the peatlands and the history and culture of the rural communities that lived there through the ages.
“Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Park holds an integral place in the local community and it is great to see the legacy of the late Sean Judge being progressed and enhanced by his family at this local and national attraction
“The grant to Lullymore Heritage and Discovery Park followed a call for submissions from interested parties across the region to apply under the scheme. Failte Ireland is still assessing a number of further applications and will announce additional funding for other projects before the end of the year.