Fine Gael Kildare South TD Martin Heydon has confirmed that he is seeking expressions of interest from local households to prove to commercial providers that the demand for improved broadband services exist.  This follows recent meetings and discussions between Deputy Heydon and Imagine and other service providers.  The availability of high speed fibre broadband remains one of the biggest issues in this constituency outside of the main towns.

“Availability of good quality broadband in rural areas of Kildare South is the single biggest issue that I faced on the campaign trail, re-enforcing with me the need for a speedy solution.  Progress is continuing on the state investment in broadband infrastructure but due to the nature and scale of that project, it will take time to be fully rolled out. In the meantime, I believe we also need to look to the commercial providers to give more options for those living in rural areas who need access to quality broadband immediately.

“Following meetings with Imagine and engagement with other providers I believe there is interest in increased services if sufficient interest can be proven.  I have undertaken to gather expressions of interest forms from households and businesses in the area that will determine if they make the investment.

“Details for expressions of interest can be emailed to me at to include name, address contact number and Eircode details if possible.