Fine Gael Kildare South TD Martin Heydon yesterday (Wednesday) raised the need for an additional teacher at Rathangan Boys NS in the Dail. Debating with Minister Richard Bruton he criticised the Department who have turned down two appeals on this issue.
“Rathangan Boys NS will have an enrolment of 270 in September 2016 but have been refused an additional 10th teacher due to their enrolment numbers at September 2015 which are one short of the qualifying criteria.
“The lack of a new teacher will see some large classes from 2016 up to as much as 37 pupils which is difficult for a single teacher to provide appropriate level of education. Despite two separate appeals the Department and the appeals board have not upheld the need for an additional teacher.
“While I accept that there have to be qualifying criteria, I have asked the Minister to impress on the Department the impact on pupils and teachers if this additional teacher is not appointed and to re-examine any potential grounds for appeal.