Fine Gael Kildare South TD Martin Heydon has recently raised progress on Athy’s Southern Distributor Route in the Dail with Minister for Transport Shane Ross to ensure his Department process all necessary approvals as quickly as possible to allow for continued progress on the project.
“The Minister confirmed that KCC has been liaising actively with his Department on the preliminary business case for the project and further contact is planned in the lead up to submission of the detailed business case and the Cost Benefit Analysis to both the Department of Transport and the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
“Once the project appraisal process is completed and clearance given to proceed, the next stage is submission of the project environmental impact assessment and Compulsory Purchase Order to An Bord Pleanala for approval.
“I reminded the Minister of the ongoing need for this crucial piece of infrastructure for Athy and its long and chequered history. The project remains Kildare County Council’s top infrastructural priority and is due to be submitted for approval in the coming weeks.
“As a state funded project, the project has to meet the requirements of the public spending code and the Departments Common Appraisal framework for transport projects as well as obtaining planning permission. I will continue to liaise with the Minister and his officials as well as Kildare County Council officials to ensure there are no unnecessary delays and the project continues to construction as soon as possible.”