Fine Gael TD for Kildare South, Martin Heydon has said that he has sought an urgent meeting with officials from the Department of Education to discuss current issues relating to the provision of education, particularly at secondary school level in Kildare South.

“I want to know what the department’s view is of a potential new secondary school for South Kildare. The provision of secondary school places in Newbridge and surrounding areas is a growing issue that still needs clarity.  Progress has been very slow on promised school extensions and on top of that we now have further delays due to a legal case, to the opening of the extension at St Conleths VEC which was supposed to address some of these pressures.

“I am also working with a group of parents of children with special needs who are struggling to find secondary school places for their children with appropriate supports in Kildare when they leave their primary school ASD units this June.  While this problem is acute for them, it is the start of a bigger issue that will continue for the coming years as more children leave primary school ASD units annually without the appropriate secondary supports being in place in the locality.

“I have raised these issues in the Dail and with Minister Richard Bruton in the past year but I am now seeking an urgent meeting for the 3 Kildare South TDs with Department of Education officials to give us a clear outline of their plans for the provision of education and special needs supports in Kildare South particularly at secondary level.