This week I received an update from the Minister for Education and Skills, Joe McHugh TD, on the Kildare Schools affected by the ongoing structural surveys, an update on the announcement of a review of second level places in Kildare South and the news that Kildare County Council  has given the go-ahead for St. Conleths extension to open next week.

Update on School Buildings

The Athy schools of Scoil Phádraig Naofa, Gaelscoil Átha í and Athy Model School, which have undergone a programme of structural assessments following construction work by Western Building Systems (WBS) have been determined by engineers for the Dept of Education to be able to open in full next Monday once external intervention in the form of a fence around the building and protective decking is constructed. These works will commence tomorrow.

In regard to Gaelscoil Átha í and Athy Model School the works only need to be carried out to the external of the General Purpose Hall extensions.

Kildare town’s Gaelscoil Mhic Aodha is subject to ongoing structural Assessment and analysis. It is thought the detail of that assessment will be available tomorrow evening but officials are confident the school will be able to reopen next Monday also.

Review of Second Level School Demand in Kildare South

With regard to the Minister’s intention to announce a finding from the ongoing review of second level future demand in Kildare South, which was due to be announced by the end of October. That date has now been extended to later in November on account of the significant workload on officials in the building unit of the department in recent weeks.

St Conleth’s Post Primary Extension

Kildare County Council today approved all stages of the building control regulations for the 500 space extension of St. Conleth’s Post Primary In Newbridge. Not only can that significant extension now be used from next Monday, it means the 6 children with moderate  learning difficulties, who have been without a school place since September, will now be able to commence school in their new special unit in St. Conleths from next Monday. Much needed good news for Cecelia Semple and all of the parents and students affected.