Fine Gael TD for Kildare South and Chairman of the Fine Gael Parliamentary Party, Martin Heydon, has confirmed that a further €3.5 million in funding has been allocated for Athy Southern Distributor Route by the Department of Transport, Tourism, and Sport.

Deputy Heydon said: “I warmly welcome the success of Kildare County Council’s application to Government for €3.5 million in funding for the Athy Southern Distributor Route.

“It ensures that Kildare County Council continues to be funded to deliver the Athy Southern Distributor Route forward to construction and to ensure it is completed for the town of Athy, its residents, and businesses.

“This allocation will allow the main construction contract for the road to begin this year as we had hoped.

“The need for a ring road around Athy has been long fought for. It has been a number 1 priority for me since I was elected to Dáil Éireann, to get the project reactivated and to construction. We are still on target for the road to be completed in two years time.

“I have always believed that this road will have a really positive impact on the town of Athy, together with other projects such as the Barrow Blueway, these projects will help to boost economic activity in Athy. I am pleased to have played my part in delivering Government funding for its progression to date. I look forward to the town of Athy having a relief road that it deserves.”