Fine Gael Kildare South TD and Minister Martin Heydon said “the recent update from Kildare County Council that the Roads and Transportation Department in Kildare County Council has commenced the required work to progress the second bridge project to Part 8 is very welcome.”
Tender documents are currently being prepared for an Engineering Consultancy Service tender for delivery of Phase 1 to Phase 4 of the Transport Infrastructure Ireland Project Management Guidelines.
“In recent months I have engaged with council officials on the need to progress this crucial project for Newbridge from a design and planning permission perspective. I am delighted that Kildare County Council have now confirmed that, given the importance of this project for Newbridge, the Roads and Transportation Directorate will explore all possible options to fund delivery of the Newbridge Southern Relief Road and Second Bridge Crossing.
“I will continue to work with Kildare County Council to support this vital project to ensure progress continues to move in the right direction” Minister Heydon said.